Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kim Loney: Celebrating 20+ Years of Service

Many people know Kim Loney, here in Canada and around the world. Kim comes from a “ministry family” and her parents Claude and Marion have been a  positive influence in my life. I remember well hearing the news that Claude had passed suddenly from this life to the presence of the Lord. His funeral, July 1996 was a wonderful tribute to a Godly man, his family and his legacy.

Marion too has made a big impact in my journey! She’s been a personal councilor, a friend, a teacher, a retreat speaker and a person who cares for the people on my team. Like her parents, Kim has made a big impact on me and on IT Canada. She brings experience from life and mission from many countries, along with her studies and research through several institutions. In short, I trust her instincts and decisions.

Many serving in mission will tell the story of being “recruited” by Kim Loney.  And by the way, it was Kim who invited Yvonne and me to “come and see” her work in Europe. That first trip led to new vision, a new set of decisions and 20 years later, we are leading the people of IT together.  

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