Thursday, November 23, 2006

Toward Becoming Empathetic and dropping our denominational gaurds

I read the "Weekly Reflections" from the Henri Nouwen Society and this quote caught my attention.
The Baptist fellow recently was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and I had no question about rushing to his side. His family stood solemnly at his bedside, where he rested with a Bible as well as the daily newspaper on his lap. When I approached, he clasped my hand with both of his and related his prognosis in an open, almost serene manner, and all our differences evaporated. After visiting briefly, I asked to pray over him. With one hand on his forehead and another on his cheek, I prayed not a Catholic prayer, or a prayer of any other denomination for that matter, but a heart-to-heart caring of one human being for another who names one God. My friend rose up from the pillow and sealed the moment with a heartfelt kiss of gratitude.
What moves me is the love that wells up in the face of life-threatening illness. Love that bridges barriers, love that transcends the theological arguments and love that compels genuine compassion and prayer.

As I near the end of my forty's, I'm struck by how much the gospel of Jesus seems to have grown over this decade. His reconciling work, his love for the poor and brokenhearted are so much 'bigger' than I ever imagined. I've seen his love in action, breaking down barriers between people who would by race, tribe or family be enemies -- but there they are worshiping together.

Followers of Jesus anticipate heaven, a place where all that is wrong with this life will be fully and completely changed -- and my weakness and hate will be replaced with love and perfection beyond imagination. I've been wondering if the mystery is really right here, right now. God at work through the words and example of Jesus, pulling people together who would easily find ways to be separated.

May the unity of spirit, the bond of peace, grip us in such a way that we early seek out those who are different from us and break the barriers with Jesus' love.

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