Saturday, September 11, 2010

What we know after 50 years

Relaxing Retreat
The first 25% of our annual planning retreat season is done! The overall theme for all four retreats is, “Here’s what we know so far.” This wonderful quote comes from my friend Ron ... and I have latched onto it.

For a number of years we’ve been in a constant state of learning and development. We’ve been working on partnership development along with program and network development. As a part of our various retreats we are going to pause ... taking time to celebrate what God has done.

To achieve this we will employ a system called “Appreciative Inquiry” (AI). I think of Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 as an example of AI. He called forth powerful images of what God had done in the past, mixed with prophecies and promises, then called the people to action.

Similarly, in Acts 15, the so called “Council of Jerusalem” was another picture of AI. Simon spoke first, giving part of the perspective. He was joined by Paul and Barnabas relating their missionary experiences, then James rose and called on the history and marvelous acts of God to build his version of Appreciative Inquiry, then called the group to a decision and action.

Likewise, we will look at our five decades of history and God’s faithfulness. This appreciation will inform our future plans as we strive for excellence in partnership and mission.

1 comment: said...


That was a stimulating weekend.

Yvonne made amazing food.

We worked through 50 years of IT.

And...we had some good laughs.
